Snow Shoe Activity At Mt Washington of February 26th

Good day cadets and families,

We are now authorized to begin to move back to in person activities. Our first will be a snow shoe activity at Mt Washington of February 26th . I have attached the warning order for the activity. This MUST be filled in and given to the supervising Officer to be able to attend. You may bring it with you or email it to . Please ensure it is filled out. Parents will need to remain with their cadet until the covid screening has been completed

Currently I have heard from:

Phukjit H
Burns C
Moore T

Adults will be Capt R. Schnider and Mr G. Walz

If you plan to attend but do not see your name, please let me know as soon as possible so you can be added to the list.

A bag lunch purchased from the Raven’s Cafe will be provided. If there a food limitation or restriction please notify me so we can try to accommodate. Each cadet should bring snacks and a water bottle as it will be a long day.

Operation Snowshow – 2022-02-26 (Warning Order)

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