893 Announcements
Congratulations to those that received Canada Fitness awards or were promoted over the past few weeks! Be sure to check your handbook for badge placement before starting that sewing project! Thank you to those that represented the Squadron at November 11 activities. Be sure to check the website and Facebook page for photos of recent activities!
These are the events coming up over the next few weeks:
Effective Speaking continues on November 15 from 1830-2000 hours at the hangar. Appropriate civilian attire is required – no uniforms!
November 16 – Regular Parade – All cadets will wear Field Training Uniform (and wedge). Refer to your Parent Handbook for uniform and dress standards. The canteen is now open so you can bring money if you wish to purchase a snack during the break.
We will have guest speakers on November 23 and are doing a physical training activity on November 30. More to follow in next week’s announcements.
We are finalizing the acquisition of new Flight Simulators for 2D and Virtual Reality flight simulation training. Stay tuned for more on this exciting program! We are also ordering nametags for the new cadets and will distribute those when they are available.
The parent sponsor is still looking for some assistance with cleaning the hangar. If you can help, please ensure you speak with a member of the executive.
Capt ST Rose
893 Beaufort RCACS